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Sandy Springs Youth Sports

Sandy Springs Youth Sports

Baseball & Softball FAQ's

Q. What is included with registration? An incredible baseball or softball experience, plus:

  •  Baseball players will receive a dri-fit uniform shirt, baseball hat, and belt
  •  Softball players will receive a dri-fit sleeveless uniform shirts, belt, shorts (Minors, Rookie), pants (Majors, Juniors, Seniors)

Q. What will my baseball player need for the season? A few tips if you are new to baseball and need to purchase items for the first time:

- Baseball pants: We will have ones available for $10 to purchase during pre-season or else Wal-Mart and Dick's carry them. We will have a 20% Dick's coupon in the pre-season that you can utilize for baseball purchases

- Helmet: Wal-Mart or Dick's. You can also get these gently used at Play-it-Again Sports which has a couple of locations around Atlanta

- Glove: We recommend a used glove from Play-it-Again as brand new gloves can be too stiff if not broken in.

- Bat. Also recommend gently used from Play-it-Again or else Wal-Mart, Target, Dick's. 

The sizes for each will differ depending on your players age & height.  The following sites have good information on what to look for in a glove or bat: 

Baseball glove sizing information 

Baseball bat sizing information 


Q. What is the difference between baseball and softball? 
Baseball is typically played by boys, though SSYS has some girls that participate in baseball, and is played with a soft or hard baseball. Softball is typically played by girls with players pitching fast-pitch underhanded. 

Q. When and how do I sign up? 
Registration for spring baseball & softball typically opens in November prior to that spring's season and remains open until mid January.  

Q. What is the deadline for registration? 
The deadline to register for most baseball & softball leagues ends at the end of January. Players who wait until later January to register may be placed on a waiting list.  A late fee goes into effect after December 31.

Q. When does the spring season typically begin? 
Baseball: The season typically begins with evaluations in late January (excluding Rookie & International) and practices beginning in
mid-February. Games typically begin in early March and run through early May. Rookie & international baseball leagues do not have evaluations. These players are grouped onto teams by buddy requests or school. 

Softball: The season typically begins with evaluations in late January (excluding Rookie (6U)) and practices beginning in early-February. Games typically begin in early March and run through early May.

Q. What nights are practices and can I request a specific practice night? 
Baseball: SSYS typically rotates practice nights week to week and does not have one set night for the entire season. This allows flexibility for players to participate in other activities. For our introductory rookie baseball league (4/5YO), it will depend on the number of teams we have. If we have one set practice night then the league director will be in contact to coordinate. 

Softball: This answer depends on the age/league. In softball, Rookie (6U) typically have 2 events per week 2 practices pre-season, then 1 practice and 1 game a week during the season. Minors (8U), Majors (10U), Juniors (12U) and Seniors (18U) typically have 2 practices per week pre-season,  then 1 practice and 2 games per week during the season.  The day of week will vary.  The games last anywhere ~ 1.5 hours.

Q. How much does it cost to participate? 
Please refer to the Registration tab under links for baseball and softball program costs. 

Q. What am I responsible for purchasing in terms of equipment? What does the league provide?
SSYS provides: uniform shirt, hat, belts. Ages 8 and under receive participation trophies. It is up to each player to provide: helmet, baseball/softball glove, bat (sometimes shared at younger ages), bag to carry items (if desired), rubber cleats (optional, many children aged 4-6 use gym shoes). Males age 9 and over should wear an athletic protector / jock strap and/or a protective cup. Also, each player should drink plenty of fluids before practice and bring his own water bottle or Gatorade to each practice.

Q. What kind of bat can my player use? 

Baseball: USSSA BPF 1.15 allowed. USA Bat Standard allowed. Legal wood bat allowed.

Softball: Rookie (6U) may use T-Ball bats or Softball bats with the ASA logo on them.  In all other Leagues ( Minors (8U), Majors (10U), Juniors (12U) and Seniors (18U)) - The bat must have the ASA logo on them. No baseball bats may be used.  Size a rule of thumb is the top of the bat should come to the player’s wrist and she should be able to hold it straight out to the side for 10 seconds before it feels too heavy.

Q. If I want to try out for the National League, should I register for American League or National League? 
National League (NL) players are selected on a draft system and remain on same team until they age out of the league. All players not drafted into the National League will play in our American League (AL). When registering, unless you are a NL returning player, please register for the American League. In January, all American League players will be invited to the NL tryout and players can opt out of the tryout to be placed directly into the AL, if they so choose. 

If your child is selected for the National League, each team is responsible for selecting and purchasing their own uniforms. Please be prepared to be assessed an additional fee to cover the cost of National League Uniforms.

Q. How can I stay up to date on the park goings on?  
We try to keep all of our families informed via FacebookInstagram and Twitter. And we love to see our players in action so if you ever want to send us a picture or video please reach out to [email protected] or via our Facebook site. 

Q. Is financial assistance available?
SSYS strives to make financial aid available on an “as-needed” basis. In addition to a volunteer commitment, we do ask that the player’s parent(s) contribute some minimal amount toward the cost if possible. 

Q. Is there a discount if I have multiple children?
Yes, when you register more than one child you receive a $25 sibling discount on each subsequent child. 

Q. How often and when do they practice/play? 

This answer depends on the age/league. 
For our baseball league, Rookie (4-5 YO's) and International (5-6 YO's) typically have one practice a week and one game a week. - A, AA, AAA Ball (7 - 9 YO) typically have two practices a week prior to the season beginning and then 1 practice and 1-2 games a week. The games last anywhere from 1 - 1.5 hours.
For our softball league (to be completed)

Q. How do you determine who plays in which League? 
Ages for baseball and softball leagues are calculated differently, based on the current year age cutoffs by Dizzy Dean Baseball and ASA Softball.

To promote a competitive balance and to ensure a safe and fun experience for the boys, players are grouped by age based on Dizzy Dean rules which is grade and ability. Baseball ages for the spring are based on the player age as of April 30.  Baseball ages for the fall are based on the player age as of April 30 of the following year.

Softball ages are based upon ASA guidelines which is the year in which the player was born (1/1 to 12/31)

Q. How do I find your park? 
We are located at the Morgan Falls Athletic Fields at 450 Morgan Falls Place, Sandy Springs GA 30350.  We are the first street on your left after North Springs United Methodist Church.  If you get to the recycling center or Steel Canyon golf course you have gone to far.

Q. What is your refund policy? 
In an effort to provide fairness and consistency, the Sandy Springs Youth Sports has adopted the following guidelines for the refunding of registration and fees:

  • Contact the park coordinator via email at [email protected] on or before Jan. 2nd of the playing year and receive 100% refund, minus registration fee or $25.
  • Contact the park coordinator via email at [email protected] between Jan. 2nd and Jan. 11th of the playing year and receive 50% refund, minus registration fee or $25. 
  • After Jan. 11th of the playing year, no refund of registration or fees will be allowed.

Exception: A prorated refund will be returned in the case of injury, provided a doctor's excuse is given with the request.
All refund requests must be made via email within the time frames listed above. These requests must be emailed to [email protected]

Q. I’m interested in coaching. Who should I contact? 
Please include this when you register. In addition, contact either our Baseball Committee or Softball Committee President or the League Coordinator for your child’s age and grade regarding your interest in coaching. SSYS is committed to attracting and retaining coaches that will model behavior reflective of high moral character, ethics and sportsmanship. To that end, we exercise the right to choose carefully the persons who will lead and influence our youth. SSYS has mandatory coach training to ensure that your coaches are equipped to succeed. 

Q.  I’m interested in volunteering my time, talents or services. Who should I contact?
Please contact our Board President or the League Coordinator. Some of the ways that individuals can make a meaningful contribution include, but are not limited to: Team parent, scoreboard operator, board member, fund raising, publicity, sponsor, etc. In an effort to encourage and reward volunteerism.

Q. If I donate to Sandy Springs Youth Sports, is my donation tax deductible? 
Yes! Sandy Springs Youth Sports is a non-profit, 501© (3) corporation registered in the State of Georgia. Our tax ID is 58-6033298. 

Q. I’m interested in sponsoring or making a donation to the program. To whom should I make the check payable and where should I send it? 
Please click on our Sponsor/Donate link for additional information on how to donate to Sandy Springs Youth Sports.


Sandy Springs Youth Sports
450 Morgan Falls Place 
Sandy Springs, Georgia 30350

Email: [email protected]

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